Experts from 360iSR’s Intelligence Division have been busy delivering 2 parallel 4-week courses in Nigeria. The training directly contributed to the Nigerian COIN and CT efforts and HMG’s support in the region. 360iSR designed bespoke courses, from the ground up specifically focused on relevant issues and problems.
CEO, Ewen Stockbridge Sime said, “It has always been our ethos to design courses from scratch for each client. No two operators are the same; they have different equipment, problems, issues, environments and priorities; it would be rude to impose another organisations ideas. We all once wore uniform and we remain empathic to the needs of the client.”
360iSR trained 40 students during this period with participants including senior leaders from the Defence Intelligence Agency through operational commands to tactical analysts and operators. The 2 courses were Operational Intelligence which focused on the importance of integrating intelligence with the decision-making cycle, thus creating #understandingattempo, managing risk and ensuring better, more effective operations. Subjects included Intelligence estimate, Intelligence for COIN and CT, integration, synchronisation and co-ordination. The second course was supporting the Nigerian Air Force School of Air Intelligence and the delivery of an Imagery Analysis Course. Subjects included, analytical techniques, and introduction to FMW and SAR and the use of #securewatch and #remoteview for the exploitation of imagery and production of GEOINT.
As with all 360iSR courses, the phases built to encourage learning and promote understanding. Academic modules were enforced with a relevant scenario based in the NE of Nigeria using pseudo-intelligence. The results were fantastic with some exceptional products created by the student body.
The senior Nigerian Army Colonel remarked of the course: “This is the best training we have been given by external civilian or military instructors. Not only were they experts, they we able to understand our issues and provide guidance and advice.”
360iSR is a world leader in Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance and Intelligence services. Our experts, most of whom are Qualified Weapons Instructors, deliver full spectrum Intelligence and ISR training, from analyst training to Sensor Operator, from IRM&CM to operational integration. In addition to training design and delivery we also provide operational managed services; consultancy and expert advice in all aspects of the Intelligence and ISR capability life cycle, from requirement capture and definition through to platform concepts of operation, training and operations.
If you require Intelligence or ISR support, contact the company trusted across 4 continents, global militaries, NATO and multinational companies. 360iSR delivering understanding at tempo.